Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
Should you be reading this and experiencing financial problems it is imperative that you contact your creditors to discuss your circumstances. Failing to do so often results with the problems escalating, charges being applied, and further action. Addressing matters early can often reduce the amount you have to pay.
We understand the problems attached to financial difficulties, and you can expect empathy and forbearance with regards to any financial problems. We are here to help and get you back on track.
We can accept payment plans based on your own personal circumstances which can be discussed with our agents who are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to deal with any issues. They can be reached on either 0208 755 7930 or Freephone 0808 208 4484.
Our agents can also provide you with the contact details of many free advice services including the Citizens Advice Bureau, Stepchange or Payplan – although we would urge you to contact us first to see if a mutually beneficial solution can be reached.
FCA advice
Please see guidance below for advice on dealing with arrears as issued by the FCA.